Can You Trust Your Lawyer? 5 Tips to Find Out

There are plenty of jokes about lawyers, but the reality is that lawyers are often our closest advisors and confidantes – the people we entrust with both the important and intimate details of our lives. But when it comes to legal matters, how do you know if you can trust your lawyer? Are they representing your best interests and providing you with the proper expertise and advice that you need? While a good relationship between attorney and client is essential, it’s important to make sure your lawyer is being honest and transparent. In this article, we’ll explore 5 tips to help you determine if you can really trust your

legal assistance with a personal injury case.

Quick Answer to Key Question

You should observe the professional demeanor of your lawyer and ask questions about their experience in handling similar cases. You should also verify that the lawyer is in good standing with the local bar association for added transparency and reliability.

Can You Trust Your Lawyer?

When it comes to legal services, trust is arguably the most important factor. Your lawyer has access to some of your most personal information and must work hard to ensure that they put your interests ahead of their own. Unfortunately, many attorneys fail to meet this expectation, leading to a breach of trust between the two parties. While there are definitive laws in place that lawyers must follow at all times to protect the interests of their clients, many people have difficulty discerning whether or not their lawyer is trustworthy.

On the one hand, a lawyer should represent their client’s interest above all else by having their best interest in mind when rendering legal advice or making decisions. A reputable attorney will respect confidentiality and put their client’s needs first while working towards achieving a favorable outcome. On the other hand, some attorneys do not keep up with their ethical obligations and may be careless with a client’s confidential information, or even engage in behavior unbecoming for an attorney such as lying or withholding information.

In order to ascertain whether or not you can trust your lawyer, it is important to understand what professional duties they have and how best to evaluate if they are adhering to those duties correctly. This will be discussed in the next section – introducing “A Lawyer’s Professional Duties”.

A Lawyer’s Professional Duties

When you hire a lawyer, they have an obligation to practice law in an ethical and responsible manner. It is the lawyer’s job to properly represent their clients and to maintain confidentiality of client communication. They also must adhere to their fiduciary duty which requires them to act in the best interest of their client and make decisions based on what is most beneficial for that individual.

The American Bar Association has certain guidelines established for the conduct of attorneys including those concerning conflicts of interest, competence, diligence, communication with clients, respect for client property, fairness to opposing parties and counsel, fees, keeping records of legal activity and any other activity that may be used to ensure proper conduct while representing someone.

At the same time it’s important to understand that as a lawyer they also are attempting to provide advice based on current laws and regulations so if their advice does not end up being effective there can be no blame put on them as long as their action was done responsibly and ethically. This can be a difficult balancing act for lawyers who have colleagues in official positions usually requiring them from time-to-time to remain politically neutral whenever trying to advise clients on certain matters.

It is then ultimately up to the client to decide whether or not they believe the advice being provided by their lawyer is beneficial. As such, exploring different sources such as conducting open research online or discussing matters with other people knowledgeable about this situation can often help shed more light on a possible solution.

Being aware of your lawyer’s professional duties is essential when determining whether or not you can trust them. Knowing your rights as a client is just as important in understanding the exact expectations between you and your family lawyer. This will be discussed further in the next section.

Know Your Rights as a Client

It is important to understand your rights as a client and to make sure those rights are respected. You have the right to be kept informed of the developments in your legal case and not receive any surprises. As a client, it is within your right to set expectations for your attorney and ask questions should anything seem unclear or out of the ordinary. On the other hand, as an attorney, you also have rights that need to be respected by your clients, such as timely payment for services and being treated with respect.

Ultimately, it is best if both parties are communicating in order to maintain an effective working relationship. It is important for clients to be honest with their attorneys from the start so that the lawyers understand exactly what kind of assistance they require. The same applies for attorneys. They must keep their clients up-to-date on all matters of their case, whether good or bad. Additionally, attorneys must respect their clients’ perspectives and treat them professionally by following through on promises made throughout the process.

The ability to establish trust between lawyer and client relies heavily on both sides understanding what is expected of each other. Open communication between lawyer and client allows both parties to build a strong bond while protecting each other’s rights and interests. This ensures each person has a full understanding of what is going on at all times, leading towards a successful resolution or outcome of the case.

Now that we understand the importance of knowing our rights as a client, the next section will focus on navigating the essential communication between attorney and client.

  • According to a 2018 survey conducted by Legal Zoom, 49% of people said that the most important factor when selecting a lawyer is trust.
  • In 2018, the American Bar Association reported that 94% of lawyers have an ethical desire to serve their clients with honesty and integrity.
  • A 2017 Gallup poll found that Americans rate lawyers an average of 4 out of 5 on trustworthiness.

Communication between Attorney and Client

Communication between an attorney and their client is essential to the success of a case. Establishing an effective and trusting relationship through open dialogue is key for successful representation, as a accident attorney needs to have all of the pertinent information about the client’s case in order to win their case. It is also important that attorneys communicate with their clients regularly throughout the entire duration of the case; clients should be aware of any new developments, deadlines, court appearances, etc.

Attorneys need to ensure that they are constantly in communication with their clients to show that they are there to listen, answer questions and provide helpful resources that can help with legal matters. The client should not be kept in the dark when it comes to his or her legal case; consequently transparency is paramount here. On the other hand, some attorneys also recommend that clients not “bug” them too much—that clients give their lawyers necessary time and space to analyze cases and build strategies.

It is important for clients to find an attorney who is responsive and attentive, but also understands when boundaries need to be established. An effective lawyer should be able to discern when clients necessitate more communication from them and when it is appropriate or necessary to remain private on certain aspects of a case. This balance of communication between attorney and client is integral for finding success within any given legal situation.

The following section will discuss how one can tell if their lawyer is genuinely communicating with them within a professional manner.

Main Summary Points

It is important for clients to ensure that their attorney establishes a trusting, open relationship with them by regularly communicating all details related to the case. There should be a balance between communication between the client and attorney, such that boundaries are respected where appropriate. This can help ensure success within any legal situation.

How to Tell if Your Lawyer is Honestly Communicating

Honest communication is the backbone of any successful attorney-client relationship. It ensures that both parties are in agreement on how to handle a legal issue and builds trust between clients and attorneys. Unfortunately, lawyers aren’t always forthcoming with information. From billing practices to their previous experience, not all attorneys are as transparent as they should be. How can you tell if your lawyer is honestly communicating? Here are a few tips:

1. Check Your Attorney’s History: Ask your lawyer questions about her experience and make sure that her answers match up with information in court records or available through licensing boards or similar entities prior to retaining her services.

2. Review Your Fee Agreement Carefully: Make sure that billing practices follow your state’s rules and regulations, and ask for clarification when necessary. If something seems too good to be true (such as flat fees without transparency regarding the lawyer’s costs), it likely is.

3. Take Notes During Assigned Meetings: At each meeting, ask relevant questions and take notes to ensure that your attorney has answered everything honestly and thoroughly. Also keep track of promised deadlines or outcomes so you can gauge whether she followed through accordingly.

4. Trust Your Gut: Clients know what honest communication should feel like even if they don’t have the sometimes complicated legal knowledge their lawyer has. That said, if something doesn’t seem right – even if it isn’t illegal – simply walk away and look for another lawyer who will better meet your needs.

5. Use Professional Resources Wisely: Professional organizations can provide valuable insight into customer service ratings and reviews, disciplinary history, availability of online resources, and other important information regarding an attorney’s practice habits. Use these resources to help you make an informed decision before you decide which lawyer is the best fit for you.

At the end of the day, finding an honest lawyer requires time, research, and due diligence on the part of the client – but the payoff can be significant in terms of trustworthiness within a solid professional relationship So now that we’ve explored how to tell if your lawyer is honestly communicating, let’s dive deeper into what’s expected of lawyers in this next section…

What Is Expected of Lawyers?

When it comes to lawyers, trust is essential. Clients should have faith in their lawyer’s ability to help them navigate legal issues, but understanding exactly what is expected of your lawyer can be difficult.

At the most basic level, lawyers are expected to uphold a number of ethical rules. They should conduct themselves according to the code of conduct of their country or state, which includes the duty to keep their client’s information confidential and not act unprofessionally or disrespectfully towards other legal professionals. When presenting their clients’ positions in court, lawyers must present accurate information and refrain from unethical practices such as attempting to mislead the court or present false information.

On a practical level, lawyers must also display certain competencies when representing their clients. They should understand complex legal processes and have sufficient experience working in the area of law relevant to the client’s case. It is also important for them to demonstrate strategic thinking when navigating the case; this may include researching precedents set by other cases or seeking out alternative solutions that could lead to a successful outcome for their client.

Some people argue that there are other unspoken expectations placed on lawyers, such as using their position for personal gain above all else or writing highly aggressive briefs to intimidate opposing counsels even if they make no legal contribution to the case. However, these behaviors would be considered unethical and should not be tolerated by any lawyer.

In summary, trust between lawyer and client should come with both parties understanding what is expected of each other. As such, clients should expect their lawyer to adhere to professional standards and have a clear understanding of the law applicable to the case at hand. With that said, our next section will focus on what your lawyer is expected to do for you.

What Is Your Lawyer Expected to Do?

Your lawyer is expected to work alongside you as a trusted advisor and effective advocate. He or she should be knowledgeable, competent and up to date on the current laws and regulations related to your case or circumstances. When selecting an attorney, it is important to research the appropriate background and experience that is necessary to protect your rights.

The legal team should also be able to explain the finer details of your case while displaying a level of understanding and compassion towards their client’s needs. Clients should feel comfortable enough to express any concerns they have without feeling embarrassed or worried about being judged. Furthermore, lawyers must adhere to ethical standards set by the state bar association in order to protect their clients from unfair practices.

On the other hand, there are some cases where attorneys may be seen as “hired guns” that do not ultimately have their client’s best interests in mind. If an attorney has a record of malpractice or complaints filed against them with their state bar, this could be indicative of unethical behavior. Therefore, before hiring a lawyer it is important to do your due diligence in terms of researching his or her credentials and previous performance record.

No matter what side of the aisle your lawyer falls on, it should go without saying that he or she should always take initiative and get back to you within reasonable time frames when working on your legal matters. Ultimately, it comes down to having realistic expectations when working with an attorney as well as receiving reasonable advice that you can trust in order to achieve success in your case.

Establishing a relationship with your lawyer is key for finding out whether you can trust him or her with such an important aspect of your life. In the following section we will discuss establishing this critical relationship with your lawyer so you can feel confident in trusting them with all the necessary details surrounding your case.

Establishing Your Relationship with Your Lawyer

When you are looking for a lawyer to handle your particular case, it is important to establish a positive and trust-based relationship. This relationship should go beyond just a professional agreement between the two parties, as you will need to be able to trust the lawyer to make the best decisions for your case. To do this, there are several steps you can take to develop that trust.

First off, when meeting your lawyer for the first time, ensure that they are familiar with the specifics of your case and have relevant experience. Ask questions and learn more about their background and successes in similar cases in order to achieve a better understanding of their capabilities. A lawyer who is informed, confident, and willing to explain complex legal matters in plain language can instill greater confidence as opposed to someone who only provides ambiguous answers or tries to gloss over potential issues.

Moreover, transparency between the lawyer and you is equally essential. Your lawyer should be open to updating you on the progress of your case, providing further clarification whenever necessary, and discussing any outside sources or exceptions that could affect it. By working together openly, both parties can make certain that nothing unexpected surprises either side during proceedings.

On the other hand, there are instances where one may become upset due to a lack of communication from their lawyer. Perhaps they seem slow to respond or couldn’t provide any concrete guidance on an issue at hand. In such cases, it’s important for you to remain open and cooperative but also honest in expressing your concerns about how your case is being handled by your lawyer; that way the two of you can set expectations from each other’s end going forward so as to ensure full understanding on all fronts moving forward.

Ultimately, establishing a strong relationship with a lawyer isn’t necessarily an easy task. However, by taking into account key considerations such as familiarity with your case, transparency and joint communication throughout proceedings, one can rest assured knowing that their trust has been placed in the right hands and be comfortable with their decision making process going forward.

Conclusion: With much of litigation dependent upon the trust which exists between lawyers and clients alike, it is important to understand how that relationship is formed when seeking legal counsel for a particular case.


When it comes to trusting your lawyer, there is no clear-cut answer. For some people, a strong relationship with their attorney is essential to feeling confident that the advice and representation they receive is in their best interest. Others prefer to take a more hands-off approach and rest assured that their lawyer has the expertise necessary to provide sound counsel.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not you can trust your lawyer depends on your individual circumstances. If you’re currently working with an attorney, take the time to evaluate their competence, experience and the quality of their communication. While this may involve making inquiries and requests for additional information, it can ultimately offer peace of mind and help you develop a more successful professional relationship.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a lawyer yet know one is needed for a certain situation, researching different attorneys is essential. Networking with people in your legal field or simply conducting interviews with prospective lawyers can help you make an informed decision about which law firm or attorney is best suited for your needs.

Ultimately, building trust between yourself and your lawyer involves taking an active interest in who will be representing you and what services will be provided. Be sure to ask questions and gather as much information as possible before officially hiring any legal services—that way, you’ll have complete confidence that whoever you choose is right for the job.

Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

How can I assess whether or not I can trust my lawyer?

The best way to assess whether or not you can trust your lawyer is to ask questions and do research. Ask your lawyer about their training, experience, and any special areas of expertise. Request references from past clients, and follow up to ask about their experience working with the lawyer. Also, make sure to research their disciplinary records if they are available in your state.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure that your lawyer is communicative and honest in their explanations — these two qualities can help build trust. Pay attention to any red flags like evasiveness or reluctance when answering questions; these indications may be a sign that you should seek out counsel elsewhere.

Finally, make sure that your goals align with those of your lawyer as this will create a strong foundation for building trust. When both parties have the same version of success in mind — meaning that whatever strategy chosen moves both towards that goal — then you can be confident you have the right person on your side.

What red flags should I look for in a lawyer that would indicate a lack of trustworthiness?

When choosing a lawyer, there are several red flags that you should look out for to indicate a lack of trustworthiness. These include:

1) Failure to return phone calls or emails in a timely manner. This can be an indication that the lawyer is not taking your case seriously and you may find it difficult to get satisfactory answers from them.

2) Pressure to make decisions quickly or sign documents without fully explaining what the document entails. A trustworthy attorney will explain the implications of any decision you make or document you sign in easy to understand terms.

3) Asking for payment up front or before services are rendered. In most cases, lawyers will begin work before asking for payment and trustworthiness issues can arise when this isn’t done.

4) Not being upfront about fees and costs associated with legal services. A trustworthy lawyer should provide you with an estimate of all their fees and expected costs associated with your legal matter.

5) Refusal to provide references or information regarding past clients they have represented. A reputable lawyer will be happy to offer references and discuss prior client successes if requested.

These are just a few indicators that may signal the lack of trustworthiness in a lawyer. It is important to take your time when selecting an attorney and make sure all questions are answered clearly before signing on the dotted line.

What factors can I consider to determine if my lawyer is trustworthy?

When deciding if you can trust your lawyer, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, look for a lawyer who is qualified and experienced in the area of law related to your case. An experienced lawyer understands the full scope of the law and is more likely to be successful in providing trustworthy advice.

It’s also important to consider a lawyer’s reputation. Online reviews and testimonials from past clients can provide insight into how honest and trustworthy a particular lawyer is. Additionally, if you feel comfortable talking with other people who have used the same lawyer with positive results, this may be a good indication that you can trust them as well.

In addition, don’t forget to ask questions. Your lawyer should be willing to answer your questions honestly and thoroughly in order to give you peace of mind that they will act in your best interest. Some questions you could ask include: Are their fees transparent? What type of strategy do they plan on pursuing? And what is their track record when it comes to success in the courtroom?

Finally, it’s important to look at the atmosphere in which the lawyer operates. Is their office professional, organized, and up-to-date on current developments in law? Do they utilize modern technology? Are you able to get timely responses from staff or attorneys when you call or visit the office? All of these factors can contribute greatly to determining whether or not a particular attorney is someone you can trust with your legal matters.